
Picture of Tun Lay’s Karen flag that is on his living room wall.
Tun Lay holds his guitar that he plays for religious services on Sundays; picture has more light.
Tun Lay is answering a question asked by Bethany during the interview process.
Tun Lay is responding to a question while looking down at paper listing the interview questions.
Chit Moe & Tun Lay are discussing a question asked by Bethany.
Shot of Tun Lay's guitar as it rests on its stand.
Decorative floor rugs that the Karen people use to cover carpet because it is easier to clean while protecting the carpeting.
Tun Lay holds his guitar that he plays for religious services on Sundays; darker lighting in picture .
Picture of a food cover that people would use even in Karen State to protect food from pests.
Long profile shot of Tun Lay with side lighting a bit darker.
Photo of Tun Lay when he lived in Salt Lake City seven years ago; picture taken farther away.
Close up photo of Tun Lay when he lived in Salt Lake City seven years ago.
Tun Lay talks about his journey from Burma to Logan, Utah. He describes his time spent in refugee camps and the differences between his life then and his life now.
Tun Lay talks about his journey from Burma to Logan, Utah. He describes his time spent in refugee camps and the differences between his life then and his life now.
Close profile shot of Tun Lay with lots of light.
Pyo Nwe during the interview process, more light.
Pyo Nwe thinking during the interview process.
Profile shot of Pyo Nwe during interview, more dark.
Long profile shot of pyo New.
Profile shot of Pyo Nwe during interview, more light.
Pyo Nwe & Chit Moe discussing an answer to a question asked by Bethany in her living room.
Group shot of the interview process, standing view looking down on the group.
Close up profile shot of Pyo New.
Pyo Nwe explained what her life was like in a Karen refugee camp. She details her experiences living in the camp, which include getting married and having children. She also explains the difficulties that she and her family faced (and still face)…
Pyo Nwe explained what her life was like in a Karen refugee camp. She details her experiences living in the camp, which include getting married and having children. She also explains the difficulties that she and her family faced (and still face)…
Interview with Eh Htoo about his life as a refugee in Thailand, serving as a porter in the Burmese military, leaving home, and immigrating to the United States.
Interview with Eh Htoo about his life as a refugee in Thailand, serving as a porter in the Burmese military, leaving home, and immigrating to the United States.
Eh Htoo stands near his flag of Karen State, pinned on the wall of the basement in Kyaw Eh's home in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015. The lower-right pin doubles as a small hangar.
Eh Htoo stands beside the dinner schedule in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
The dinner rotation schedule at Kyaw Eh's house, where Eh Htoo lives, in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
Preparations for dinner at Kyaw Eh's house, where Eh Htoo lives, in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015. The leafy greens are made by placing the leaf in a liquid and letting it sit for a few days. From left to right, the beans, fish…
Portrait of Eh Htoo at Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah, during the evening of May 16, 2015.
Eh Htoo smiles as Kyaw Eh's nephew and niece jump into the picture. Ground floor of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
Eh Htoo's flag of Karent State, pinned on the wall of the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
Wes Van de Water jots notes for himself as Eh Htoo answers one of his questions, taken in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
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Eh Htoo and Chit Moe wait for the next interview question, taken in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015.
Meagan Gill (audio), Wes Van de Water (interviewer), Eh Htoo (interviewee), and Chit Moe (interpreter) in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015. Eh Htoo uses hand guestures to help Chit Moe interpret from…
Meagan Gill (audio), Wes Van de Water (interviewer), Eh Htoo (interviewee), and Chit Moe (interpreter) in the basement of Kyaw Eh's house in Hyrum, Utah during the evening of May 16, 2015. Chit Moe interprets Eh Htoo's answer, given in Karen, into…
Aye Win describes her life in Karen State, Burma. Along with her time in a refugee camp in Thailand, how she came to the U.S., her family, and life in Cache Valley, Utah.
Aye Win showing the group what Thanaka is made of and how to use it.
A tighter shot of the Thanaka container and the stone plate it was spread onto.
Aye Win showing the group what Thanaka is made of and how to use it.
Picture of a container of a lotion-type substance known as Thanaka spread on a flat stone plate.
Close up of Aye win taken with a portrait orientation on the camera.
Close up photo of Aye Win taken with a landscape orientation on the camera.
Picture of the living room wall in Aye Win's apartment. Shows one of their couches as well as decorative lights that had been hung up for Christmas.
A more relaxed picture of the group after the interview while Bethany packed the audio equipment.
A more relaxed picture of the group after the interview while Bethany packed the audio equipment.
A shot of Aye Win, Chit Moe, Meagan, and Bethany as Chit Moe translated Meagan's words.
A closer shot of Aye Win and Chit Moe during the interview.
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