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Ann Allen during an interview with Amelia Mathews-Pett, in the Main Cabin on Triangle X Ranch in Wyoming.
Portrait of Ann Allen against the Museum Cabin at the Triangle X Ranch in Wyoming.
Proposal for a Center for Social Science Research at Utah State Unviersity, 1967
Unidentified men pushing and two horses pulling Maxwell automobile up a hill.
Top photo: Burros and camera. Bottom photo: Probably L.W. Clement next to packed burro. Torma Andrus with either Irene Andrus or Jennie Clement in the foreground.
Probably H. Stanley Hinnricks and Dolph Andrus in the Maxwell, monuments of Monument Valley seen in background. Could also be William H. Hopkins with Dolph Andrus. See also P0542 Box 1 Folder 03 Photo 19.
Indian pottery and rugs on display outside Spencer's Trading post.
"Leaving Augusta." See page 69. Page numbers refer to Andrus's personal history. No burros.
Dolph, Irene and Torma Andrus, and Jennie Clement next to five burros and their backs.
Landscape scenic view of Monument Valley buttes. Appears to be from the opposite side of 1-08-11.
L.W. Clement with the motion picture camera. Irene Andrus on horseback. See page 83 of Andrus's personal history.
Torma Andrus at the wheel of her first car, 1917 Maxwell in Bluff, Utah.
Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement, posing with what looks like Native American artifacts.
Two unidentified women, probably Irene Andrus or Jennie Clement, standing by the Maxwell automobile in a field by a house and grove of trees.
Top photo: Irene Andrus and Jennie Clement in front of Edwin Owachomo Bridge. Bottom photo: Unidentified man with camera in front of Edwin Owachomo Bridge.
H. Stanley Hinnricks, Dr. William H. Hopkins, and Dolph Andrus digging out the wheels of Maxwell automobile. Unidentified photographer, visible shadow.
Dolph Andrus lying down in camp next to his wife, Irene, and his daughter Torma.
Dolph Andrus with team of horses and burros, either the Colorado or San Juan River bank.
Top photo: Overexposed image of Augusta (Sipapu) Bridge. Bottom photo: People and burros and the trail with Augusta (Sipapu) Bridge in the background.
Cropped photograph of probably H. Stanley Hinnricks and Dolph Andrus in the Maxwell automobile with the monuments of Monument Valley in the background. See also P0542 Box 1 Folder 02 Photo 15.
L.W. Clement cranking the motion picture camera in front of Edwin Owachomo Bridge. See page 59 of Andrus's personal history.
Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, riding on the back of the Maxwell automobile on the bank of the San Juan River near Bluff, Utah.
Two horses pulling the Maxwell automobile across a hill. Unidentified man driving. Unidentified man bending over near the automobile. See also P0360 Box 1 Book 1 Hopkins 018.
Two unidentified workers on an oil rig, just outside Monument Valley, pose with the Maxwell automobile.
"The photo at the right I took of Rust as we made our way up to the top of Echo Peaks, a short way up the Colorado River from Lee's Ferry." The photo is from a trip Dolph Andrus went on with Dave Rust the year before.