
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Newspaper article carried by the Daily Camera and written by the Associated Press that examines the ongoing issues of funding women's sports. The article discusses the "revolution" with the passage of Title IX, where funding for women's sports could…
Newspaper article about USU's hiring of Mariyln Weiss and detailing her first year on the job as the head coach of three sports teams and the the expectation to build a great program. The articles focuesed on the lack of resources for women,…
Newspaper article about USU's hiring of Mariyln Weiss, discussing her efforts to recruit Mary Jo Peppler to coach athletics at USU, create a positive enviroment for students, and the struggles to reach her goal of building nationally ranked teams…
Article written for the Outlook edition of the Utah State University Student Newspaper, the title is a pun on the Mission Impossible TV Show. It discusses the work of Marilyn Weiss at USU, with her "impossible" task of building five different sports…
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