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A full page op-ed (opposite the editorial page), published in 1998, advocating against freeway expansion plans and advocating action on supporting a monorail project in the Salt Lake Metropolitain Area.
An op-ed piece (opposite the editorial page), published in 1998, expressing upset about the then upcoming freeway expansion project being "steam-roll[ed]" through the legislature.
Photograph of retaining wall construction for the interstate next to the Se Rancho Motor Lodge in 1959.
Photograph of a man guiding traffic during interstate construction in Salt Lake City 1961.
Human interest story on a young boy who was reunited with his lost dog after his family was moved following the west side freeway development.
Photograph of demolition and tree removal for freeway development at 1st South and 14th North in Salt Lake City taken 1959.
Newspaper article advocating an attack on the "blighted housing problem" in the west side after completion of the freeway, published on September 14, 1964.
Photograph showing the construction of an underpass between Fourteenth North and First South in Salt Lake City in 1961.
Photograph of parked cars lined up along both lanes of a three-lane highway for the dedication of Interstate-15 (I-15). Passengers are visible sitting in the parked cars while some are standing outstide of their cars. Two standing persons hold…
A drawing of the belt route and Salt Lake interstate network by Design Engineer Herbert M. Fehmel, created in service for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).
A drawing of the 5th and 6th South interstate interchange system by Design Engineer Herbert M. Fehmel, created in service for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).
Road Commission Resident Engineer Ed Kennelly and Information Officer Horace Gunn stand before the retaining wall construction site next to the Se Rancho Motor Lodge in 1959.
Photograph of semi-trucks on dirt roads during the construction of Interstate-15 (I-15) in 1959.
Photograph of survey workers at the interstate construction site during tree removal.
Photograph of workers and supervisors at the interstate construction site during tree removal.
Photograph of heavy machinery at the interstate construction site during tree removal.
Photograph of Lamont B. Toronto, Secretary of State, at the steering wheel of a bulldozer at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Salt Lake City Freeway, 1959.
Photograph of a crowd gathered around a bulldozer driven by Lamont B. Toronto, Secretary of State, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Salt Lake City Freeway, 1959.
Photograph of a crowd gathered around Lamont B. Toronto, Secretary of State, giving remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Salt Lake City Freeway, 1959.
Photograph of Lamont B. Toronto, Secretary of State, standing atop a bulldozer during a blizzard at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Salt Lake City Freeway, 1959.
Third page of the Salt Lake City Freeway Highway Agencies program from the 1959 groundbreaking ceremony, held on January 28, 1959 at Sixth West & Fourth North. Features an illustrative drawing of the intended placement of the freeway in correlation…
Second page of the Salt Lake City Freeway Highway Agencies program from the 1959 groundbreaking ceremony, held on January 28, 1959 at Sixth West & Fourth North.
First page of the Salt Lake City Freeway Highway Agencies program from the 1959 groundbreaking ceremony, held on January 28, 1959 at Sixth West & Fourth North.
A drawing of the 5th and 6th South interstate interchange system by Design Engineer Herbert M. Fehmel, created in service for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).
Map of Interstate Highway plans from September 1955. The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) was originally a part of the United States Department of Agriculture then the United States Department of Commerce. The BPR is the predecessor agency to the Federal…
Newspaper article discussing a public hearing on the proposed 6th West highway routing, published on March 31, 1950.
Newspaper article discussing the west side demands for considerations during ongoing highway plans, published July 28, 1950.
Newspaper article discussing the west side residents upset and fight againt the highway, published on January 13, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing west side protest to the proposed 6th West highway routing, published on March 28, 1950.
Fourth page of Utah Highways Department's Highways and Byways newsletter, published in October of 1957.
Editorial on the west sides post-war development and growth, published on November 4, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing protests organized by west side residents and supported by church organizations and elected leaders against the proposed 7th West route for the freeway, published on January 22, 1957.
Editorial which elaborates on the purpose of an express highway and how the proposed express highway might impact the west side, published on January 15, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing a 7th West route of the proposed expressway, published on February 10, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing the formation of a committee to examine the expressway proposal, published on January 15, 1948. Scan of article is slightly skewed, cutting off words on the far left side.