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A full page op-ed (opposite the editorial page), published in 1998, advocating against freeway expansion plans and advocating action on supporting a monorail project in the Salt Lake Metropolitain Area.
An op-ed piece (opposite the editorial page), published in 1998, expressing upset about the then upcoming freeway expansion project being "steam-roll[ed]" through the legislature.
Newspaper article discussing an award presented to the People's Freeway, Inc. for their use of neglected right-of-way land as a community garden published Dec. 20, 1975.
Newspaper article discussing the recognition People's Freeway, Inc. received as highly valued anti-poverty program, published on January 9, 1974.
Newspaper article discussing the Transportation Commission's recognition of People's Freeway, Inc. for their use of dormant state land as a community garden, published December on 19, 1975. Transportation Commission Honors Peoples Freeway Inc. Garden…
Classified advertisement for homes in Highland Park neighborhood directed toward freeway displaced west side residents.
Human interest story on a young boy who was reunited with his lost dog after his family was moved following the west side freeway development.
Classified advertisement for homes in local developments directed toward freeway displaced west side residents.
Classified advertisement for homes in Rose Park neighborhood directed toward freeway displaced west side residents.
Newspaper article on the Swede Town neighborhood of the west side noting its decline, but continued presence in Salt Lake City, puublished on Decemeber 9, 1976.
Newspaper article advocating an attack on the "blighted housing problem" in the west side after completion of the freeway, published on September 14, 1964.
Newspaper article discussing a public hearing on the proposed 6th West highway routing, published on March 31, 1950.
Newspaper article discussing the west side demands for considerations during ongoing highway plans, published July 28, 1950.
Newspaper article discussing the west side residents upset and fight againt the highway, published on January 13, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing west side protest to the proposed 6th West highway routing, published on March 28, 1950.
Proposed Federal-Aid Urban System for the Salt Lake Urban Area in the form of a visual map. The map features urban area boundaries, federal-aid urban routes, federal-aid primary routes, etc.
Editorial on the west sides post-war development and growth, published on November 4, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing protests organized by west side residents and supported by church organizations and elected leaders against the proposed 7th West route for the freeway, published on January 22, 1957.
Editorial which elaborates on the purpose of an express highway and how the proposed express highway might impact the west side, published on January 15, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing a 7th West route of the proposed expressway, published on February 10, 1948.
Newspaper article discussing the formation of a committee to examine the expressway proposal, published on January 15, 1948. Scan of article is slightly skewed, cutting off words on the far left side.
Editorial on the west sides post-war development and growth, published Nov. 4, 1948.
Street view (looking north, from South Temple): Third (3rd) West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photograph of historic 300 West shows the railway interspersed with businesses and homes in the area, c. 1900-1920. View includes Salt Lake Hardware Building…