Anheuser-Busch Letter, 1895
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Anheuser-Busch Letter, 1895
This letter, from the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association to the Becker Brewing and Malting Company, outlines the agreed upon terms of business between the two companies. In 1895 the Becker Brewing and Malting Company acquired the rights to be the distributor of Anheuser-Busch products from Mr. William Wecker. The Company agreed to assume and pay Mr. Wecker's debts to Anheuser-Busch in order to receive their agency.
Becker Brewi ng Be }.. 1 : a 1 t i rg Co.
Ogden Utah .
Ge nt 1 emen : -
December 4th 1895
Your faro r of th e 25 t h u lt . add r es s ed to Mr. Geo. Kru.g
has been r eferred t o us, and we no te th at you have ass '.Jmed Mr .
Wecker' s busi ness, an d tl esire to c o nt i nue t he sale o f our beer at
Og de n.
We are als 0 in rec ei pt o f a l etter ack nowlecigi ng the co rr-e
c tness of :Mr . Wecker's ind e btedness, amounti ng to '$3425.06, which
you intend to assu me, bu t as a l a r e e par t o f th i s ind ebtedness has
be en past due, we thi nk S OIre arrar:gene nt s hould be mad e to liqui date
i t wi thi n a reas 0 nable ti me .
We propos e th at y ou pay $ 1000 cas h, a n d t he talance in
monthly p@J rnents of $ 500 every month hereafter, s o t hat the last pay-ment
5 months he nce be $425.06, a..!'ld we suppose this would be accep-table
to y ou, a s it gives you a mp le time t o realize on the assets
turne d over by Mr. Wec k er. Wi 11 y ou p lease advise us.
Regarding prices and terIIB for futu re s hi pments, we under-starn
from Mr . Krue ttlat t he same p rices Will govern future shipments
Becke r Brewi m: & },1alt i re Co. 2 .
as t hos e enjoyed by 11!1r. Wecker, and t hat e ach shipment i s t o be
drawn f o r at 30 day s, which no dou b t will be ent ire ly satis facto -ry
t o you.
We f eel co nfi de nt that you wi 11 be able not o nly t o mai nt
Ed.. n , but i nc teas e t he sal e 0 f cur beer " and VI e ''Ii 11 be p leas ed t o
be favored so on wi th an or de r.
You TS tru 1'1,
Becker Brewi ng Be }.. 1 : a 1 t i rg Co.
Ogden Utah .
Ge nt 1 emen : -
December 4th 1895
Your faro r of th e 25 t h u lt . add r es s ed to Mr. Geo. Kru.g
has been r eferred t o us, and we no te th at you have ass '.Jmed Mr .
Wecker' s busi ness, an d tl esire to c o nt i nue t he sale o f our beer at
Og de n.
We are als 0 in rec ei pt o f a l etter ack nowlecigi ng the co rr-e
c tness of :Mr . Wecker's ind e btedness, amounti ng to '$3425.06, which
you intend to assu me, bu t as a l a r e e par t o f th i s ind ebtedness has
be en past due, we thi nk S OIre arrar:gene nt s hould be mad e to liqui date
i t wi thi n a reas 0 nable ti me .
We propos e th at y ou pay $ 1000 cas h, a n d t he talance in
monthly p@J rnents of $ 500 every month hereafter, s o t hat the last pay-ment
5 months he nce be $425.06, a..!'ld we suppose this would be accep-table
to y ou, a s it gives you a mp le time t o realize on the assets
turne d over by Mr. Wec k er. Wi 11 y ou p lease advise us.
Regarding prices and terIIB for futu re s hi pments, we under-starn
from Mr . Krue ttlat t he same p rices Will govern future shipments
Becke r Brewi m: & },1alt i re Co. 2 .
as t hos e enjoyed by 11!1r. Wecker, and t hat e ach shipment i s t o be
drawn f o r at 30 day s, which no dou b t will be ent ire ly satis facto -ry
t o you.
We f eel co nfi de nt that you wi 11 be able not o nly t o mai nt
Ed.. n , but i nc teas e t he sal e 0 f cur beer " and VI e ''Ii 11 be p leas ed t o
be favored so on wi th an or de r.
You TS tru 1'1,
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives, [Becker Brewing and Malting Company Records Addendum, CAINEMSS31Addendum Series 03, Box 001, Folder 17, Item 006]
Reproduction for publication, exhibition, web display or commercial use is only permissible with the consent of the USU Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives (435) 797-2663
Becker Brewing and Malting Company Records Addendum
Becker Brewing and Malting Company Records Collection
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