This exhibit was created by a USU student. (learn more...)

Theme: What does the farm mean to you? 

Marie Christensen
Marie Christensen
Marie Christensen
Cliff Lillywhite
Clark Israelsen

What does the farm mean to you?

Marie Christensen

Audio Clip 1: "It's a place where .. you can do what you want on your own land."

Audio Clip 2: "We love it. We love the land."

Audio Clip 3: "[Farming] has been a very big thing in my life and I love it."

Cliff Lillywhite

"We are in it to make money, but it's not all about money. I think all of us in the company take it very seriously that it's a big responsibility to provide good, high-quality, safe, nutritious foods at a reasonable cost to the consumers."

Clark Israelsen

"The farm has been cheaper than the psychiatrist."