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Gravesite of Henrietta and Samuel Kreines at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
Side exterior view of Congregation Brith Sholem with view of two stained-glass windows, May 2021.
Exterior view of Congregation Brith Sholem, May 2021.
Plaque located at the entrance of the syangogue that indicates Congregation Brith Sholem is registered as a National Historic Place in Ogden, Utah since June 27, 1985.
Pathway from the synagogue to "the house" on Grant Avenue, May 2021. The bricks are scattered with names that
Northwest corner of 25th and Lincoln, facing previous building of B&B Clothing, May 2021.
Cabinet inside the synagogue with prominent view of the menorah burned in the fire
Kuhn Masoleum at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
Interior view in synagogue facing northwest and two stained-glass windows, May 2021.
Gravesite of Joseph Kraines at Aultorest Memorial Park,
Interior view of Congregation Brith Sholem, facing the front, May 2021. The Ark, bimah, plaque of the ten commandments in Hebrew, a menorah, the Jewish flag, and the American flag are all visible.
Gravesite of Jacob and Manya Greenband at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
Ralph and Regina Benowitz's gravesite at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
Jenny and Louis Rubin's gravesite at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021. Jenny and Louis Rubin were early members of Congregation Brith Sholem. Louis Rubin owned the Shoe Hospital on 25th Street. Louis was born in Ostrow Poland where he met and…
Like Ben Oppman, Rosenbluth was one of the first Jewish businessman in Ogden, arriving in 1889 and opening R & O Quality Shop with partner Oppman. Samuel was involved with many member organizations, including Odd Fellows, Macabees, and the National…
Rose Oppman's gravesite at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021. Rose Oppman was married to Ben Oppman.
Ben Oppman's gravestone at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021. Oppman was one of the first Jewish businessman in Ogden, arriving in 1889 and opening R & O Quality Shop with partner Samuel Rosenbluth. Oppman contributed to the forming of the first…
Congregation Brith Sholem cemetery dome plaque located at Aultorest Memorial Park. The dome, not pictured, was dedicated in 1996 in celebration of the synagogue's 75th year. The plaque details the members who contributed to the funds to support the…
image facing away from Jewish cemetery section at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021. The plaque to the right of the image provides information about the dome dedicated to the Jewish section (out of frame to the right of image) by the congregation in…
Interior of the synagogue, facing the front with view of bimah and in back are the torahs enclosed in the Ark, May 2021. This area of the synagogue is very important as they hold ritual items that are symbolic for Judaism and worship. The bimah is a…
The Cornerstone of Congregation Brith Sholem synagogue, dedicated on August 21, 1921, May 2021. A newspaper article from the Salt Lake Telegram written on August 22, 2021 states that over 2,000 persons attended the cornerstone ceremony. Also, a…
Close view of front of synagogue with door and rededication plaque visible, May 2021. Above the doors is written "May the doors be wide enough for all to enter." The plaque on the bottom of the column to the left of the synagogue shows the year the…
This Tree of Life mounted wall art in the synagogue was created to honor persons and organizations who contributed funds and helped rebuild the synagogue after a fire in 1989 destroyed most of its interior, May 2021.
Brith Sholem dome at Aultorest Memorial Park in Jewish section, dedicated to commemorate Congregation Brith Sholem's 75th anniversary in 1996. If you stand directly under the dome, the bars form into the star of David, May 2021.
Gravestone of Anna Gordon at Aultorest Memorial Park in the section designated for Jewish persons, May 2021.
2nd image of Dome at Aultorest's Cemetery, dedicated by Congregation Brith Sholem during their 75th commemoration in 1996, May 2021.
Image of the front of Congregation Brith Sholem and doors, May 2021.
Image of a plaque of the 10 commandments written in Hebrew located inside the synagogue, May 2021.
Image of the house next door to the synagogue at 2760 Grant Avenue, which was purchased by the synagogue in 2013 to accommodate community gatherings and religious teachings, May 2021.
Image of Congregation Brith Sholem Cemetery Dome, which rests in the Jewish section of the cemetery at Leavitt's Mortuary & Aultorest Memorial Park. This dome replaced another dome that was falling apart. This dome was built in 1996 and was funded as…
Image of page 17 1922 Polk Directory listing churches and clubs, including the first time Congregation Brith Sholem was listed in the Polk Directory.
Image of store front of B&B Clothes Shop in the 1960s at 2473 Washington Ave.
1913 Polk Directory Advertisement Page, including the businesses of Ben Oppman, Samuel Rosenbluth, and Joseph Kraines who were early members of Congregation Brith Sholem. These businesses are R&O Quality Shop and Ogden Junk House.
Interior of Congregation Brith Sholem, facing Southeast, showing two stained-glass windows, May 2021
Front entrance of Congregation Brith Sholem, May 2021
Image of 25th street facing the Ogden Union Station between Lincoln Ave. and Wall Ave.