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Hunger & Food Security: Cache Community Food Pantry

Array ( [0] => HONR Think Tank Spring 2016 [1] => no-show [2] => student exhibit )

Cache Community Food Pantry

Cache Community Food Pantry logo.

Cache County’s food pantry is located in Logan, Utah and currently serves “140 families per week, including those who are unemployed, single-parent families, persons affected by economy or population growth, disabled persons, those with fixed incomes, large working families, and individuals in transition” (1).  Just like the SNAP and WIC programs, Cache Community Food Pantry benefits are available to those who fall below the federally determined poverty level.

Those who receive public welfare assistance automatically qualify for Cache Community Food Pantry benefits, but not all of its recipients participate in other government food assistance programs (like SNAP or WIC).

1. Quick Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2016. Web.  For more information, visit http://cachefoodpantry.com/facts.html