
Local resident expresses opinion in the Herald Journal.
Local residents sound off on charges being dropped for trespassing legend-trippers and overwhelmingly expressing that the youth should be held accountable. Not saying that the armed watchmen were justified in how they handled the trespassers, but…
A Herald Journal Opinion piece by Scott Wyatt, Cache County attorney, explaining why he dismissed the trespassing charges against the teenagers.
No wonder our social structure is collapsing

To the editor:
After reading the article on the 30-plus teen-agers that had trespassed on private property in Logan Canyon, we felt compelled to present our view of a hitherto unspoken portion of this…
Reactions from locals in the Opinion seciton of the Herald Journal discussing the aftermath of the incident at St. Anne's retreat involving trespassing legend-tripping teenagers captured by security guards.
Community response demands accountability for teenagers trespassing at St. Anne's
Opinion piece in the Herald Journal talking about the trespassing incident at St. Anne's rereat suggesting both parties at fault.
Local resident gives her perspective on the trespassing incident at St. Anne's retreat.
Trespassers need to be accountable for their actions and breaking the law should not be justified for any reason, regardless of local tradition. The caretakers response to frequent trespassing and vandalism shouldn't have been a surprise. "They got…
Herald Journal Opinion piece defends parenting of trespassing teenagers.
Herald Journal photo shows a photo of the three security guards accused of terrorizing trespassers at St. Anne's retreat.
Local resident suggests youth playing pranks on local home owners may be related to the problem of St. Anne's trespassers who were not held accountable for their actions.
Rite of passage does not justify a local tradition where the actions of trespassing and breaking the law are justified by adults who they themselves may have participated in this activity when they were younger.
Third watchman arrested on assault charges for taking part in the detention of 38 trespassing legend-trippers at St. Anne's retreat on October 10, 1997.
Reactions to the trespassing incident at St. Anne's brings out various points of view.
Cache Valley resident points the finger of blame at parents who seemingly condone behavior of trespassing teenagers and do not acknowledge any rights of the property owner.
Prosecutors add sexual assault charges to list of charges against security guards who terrorized 38 trespassing teenagers at St. Anne's retreat.
Locals responding to the St. Anne's retreat trespassing incident giving their version of the facts.
Bench warrant was issued by court for Arthur Peasnall, one of the security guards in the St. Anne's trespassing drama.
Preliminary hearing for watchment involved in St. Anne's trespassing ordeal.
Comments circling around holding parents responsible for the actions of trespassers
Trespassing legend-trippers may still have learned their lesson. In spite of getting off easy, the impact of the experience may have had a greater impact than having the trespassing charges stick. Bruce Smith, former Herald Journal publisher, relates…
Watchmen cahrged with tying up and terrorizing 38 trespassing teenagers at St. Anne's retreat will go to trial for their charges.
The three watchmen accused of ambushing trespassing high school students at St. Anne's retreat in Logan Canyon plead guilty and accept plea bargain.
Trespassing legend-trippses testify about their experience at St. Anne's retreat when they were ambushed by three watchmen.
A trial date has been set for all three watchmen accused of aggravated assaulting trespassing teenagers at St. Anne's retreat.
Early date set for trial to ensure that college and mission going teenagers will be in available.
Images featured in Cache Valley Magazine shows Pine Glenn Cove (Logan Canyon) also known as Hatch's Camp, The Nunnery, and St. Anne's Retreat.
Folklore fieldwork assignment presenting several versions of St. Anne's Retreat in Logan Canyon.
Interviews with individuals to tell their experience legend-tripping at the "Nunnery" in Logan Canyon, and others give accounts of other paranormal experiences.
Personal narrative from interviewees who describe their experience legend-tripping at St. Anne's retreat.
Item 20 consists of a personal narrative from an individual who went up to St. Anne's retreat in Logan Canyon.
Two accounts of legend-tripping at the "Nunnery" In Logan Canyon.
Personal narrative from an individual who went up to St. Anne's retreat in Logan Canyon.
Narratives from legend-tripping at St. Anne's retreat ("Nunnery").
Principles of Irrigation Practice by John A. Widtsoe, 1914. From the Rural text-book series.
Report of Water Conservation Program and Drought Situation in Utah by George D. Clyde, May 1934.


Two reports bound together that explore the curriculum overlap at two higher education institutions in Utah around the turn of the century. Titles include: Duplication of work in the Agricultural College of Utah and the University of Utah: A report…
A letter from Jerome Cochran to John A. Widtsoe, dated May 16, 1908, requesting information about internship possibilities in the Mathematics or Civil Engineering departments at the Utah Agricultural College. Following is a response from John A.…
Letter from O.W. Israelsen to F.S. Harris, March 9, 1914, regarding potential prospects for a position in Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
Correspondence of John A. Widtsoe, between 1912 and 1914, regarding his publications.
Correspondence of Daryl Chase with Iranian ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi, September 9, 1965, regarding the status of an exhange student, Peace Corps volunteers serving in Iran, and international projects in which Utah State University was involved.
Cable from Daryl Chase to Iranian ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi, June 22, 1965, regarding exchange students and the Peace Corps Training program.
Correspondence from Iranian ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi to Daryl Chase, February 22, 1962
Correspondence from Reza Esfandiari to Daryl Chase, August 31, 1962.
Speech read by Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi at a banquet at Utah State University, June 4, 1960
Program for the dedication of the Dean F. Peterson Engineering Building and the George D. Clyde Water Research Laboratory, August 6, 1982
Irrigation principles and practices by Orson W. Israelsen, 1950. Part of the Wiley Agricultural Engineering Series
Publication created at the behest of Dr. Daryl Chase, president of Utah State University, outlining the interactions between Iran and USU for the previous 50 years.
Utah Water Research Laboratory progress report: 1964-1966. College of Engineering, Utah State University, 1966.
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