This exhibit was created by a USU student. (learn more...)

Why Does it Matter?


Cache Valley has a multitude of alternative markets that meet a wide variety of consumer demands. While generally your support for these organizations is beneficial to the community, it is important to research the various options and discover what suits your needs. Understanding the meaning behind food labels, knowing where your food comes from, and discovering the impacts of your choices can all lead to more informed decisions. 

Alternative Markets - What They Support

Local Economy

By supporting local farms through farmers markets and CSAs you are keeping capital within your community, which benefits not only your individual farmers but also the local economy as a whole.


Buying locally is shown to decrease an individual's carbon footprint. The less your food has to travel, the less it contributes to pollution.


In-season, organic, pesticide-free and additive-free food products can have a positive impact on personal health. Not only can some of these foods be higher in nutrients and lower in chemicals, but they can taste better too! 

What You Can Do to Support Sustainable Agriculture


  • Buy local products
  • Support farmers' markets
  • Become a CSA member
  • Volunteer at a farm, market, or CSA organization
  • Compost
  • Grow your own produce


Learn More

For more tips and to see how Logan's community is becoming more sustainable, check out USU's Blue Goes Green and other sustainbility programs!