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A Communal Affair

Green space in the community offers more than just relief to the eye amidst concrete structures. Community gardens buzz with ordered chaos in a world ruled by constructs of time and grid systems. They are striking plots painted innumerable shades of green, humming with life and potential. These aesthetic splashes of vegetation grow communities as well as food. Like the cellulose inside a tomato plant’s stem, community gardens support friendships and families on an ancient level. Agriculture is the great unifier of cultures; after all, everyone’s got to eat.

Community gardens are collective acts of agriculture. Most gardens are located on modest-sized plots of land divvied up into many smaller subplots tended by various community members. They provide gardening space for those who otherwise would not have the resources to grow their own food. Social sustainability meets a healthier environment at the community garden; keep this in mind as we take a closer look at garden happenings in Cache Valley.