
     The recent efforts of the St. John's congregation were interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the faith and efforts of the members sustained operations, as they held e-services and listened to sermons via digital conferencing. 

     St. John's Episcopal Church is as active as ever, holding weekly Children's Chapel, the occasional book group, and the diligent Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry that meets in the Paul Jones Reading Room. Many service opportunities are supported and include initiatives that reflect the goals of the twelfth Bishop of Utah, the Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel. These services include the William A. Burnard Warming Center, which provides "safety, warmth, and care for unhoused individuals and families" through shelter, clothing, and food that is provided. (1)

1. W.A.B. Warming Center. https://www.wabwarmingcenter.org/