St. John's Mission School

     In 1878, the Reverend Stoy left Logan to go to California, and the Twelfth Annual Report of the Bishop of Montana, Idaho, and Utah had this recorded abouthis service in Logan:

"Rev. Stoy built the schoolhouse in Logan for $1,500. Bishop Tuttle is pushing for educational work in Utah and hopes to get scholarships of $40. He decides to not replace Stoy in 1878 because "Logan is so intensely a Mormon town, there being no Gentile population whatever there to cooperate with". (1)

Rev. Gillogly of Ogden was put in charge of caring for Logan after Rev. Stoy's departure.

1. "Annual report of the Episcopal Church missionary bishops of Utah, no. 12". Episcopal Church of Utah. 1878. SCAVBOOK 445 No012-1878. Special Collections and Archives. Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University. 2.

     St. John's Episcopal School was started by Rev. Stoy and supported the Logan community until it closed its doors in 1896. Hundreds of students went through their doors, with dozens of teachers and several clergy trying to provide a place of learning for the community.

     The educational departments are the "very corner-stone of effectual Mission work among the Mormons" (2) according to the central administration of the Utah Mission and almost every area that had an Episcopal church in Utah supported a school for some period of time.

2. "Annual report of the Episcopal Church missionary bishops of Utah, no. 11". Episcopal Church of Utah. 1878. SCAVBOOK 445 No012-1877. Special Collections and Archives. Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University. 3.
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Cache County Schools Report

According to the unpublished book "An Early History of Cache Valley" by M. R. Hovey (provided by Rodney J. Sorensen of Mendon, Utah), the first principal of St. John's Mission School (at Sherman Hall) was Charles G. Davis, and the first teacher was Byron F. Wilcox. (3)

In 1878, the principal of St. John's School was Ms. Inez Earle, with a Ms. Jensen as assistant principal. Over seventy students attended 1st to 5th grade, where they learned to read and write, with special classes in American history, geography, and algebra. (4)

The principals of St. John's are as follows: Mr. Charles G. Davis, Miss S. G. Brown, Miss Inez D. Earle and Miss A. C. Cassidy (Miss A. C. Barrett, assistant).

3. "St. John's Church." MendonUtah.Org. https://www.mendonutah.org/history/cv/early-his/00.htm
An Early History of Cache County, compiled by Merlin R. Hovey, 1 January 1923. Also published in the Logan Journal, beginning 4 August 1923.
4. "Cache County Schools". Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 3. March 13, 1878. Reference URL