Bishop Paul Jones


Bishop Paul Jones (1880-1941)

     Paul Jones left Logan to work with Bishop Spalding in Salt Lake City, and when Bishop Spalding died in a traffic accident, Jones replaced him as the Bishop of Utah. 

     While Bishop, Paul Jones was a vocal opponent to the involvment of the United States in the First World War, preferring a pacifist approach. He left his see voluntarily when the House of Bishops recognized that the rest of the leadership of the church fully supported the war and Jones's socialist views were not in line with the majority of the Episcopal Church leadership. 

     Jones went on to serve as the secretary of the pacifist organization known as the Fellowship of Reconciliation. He is remembered as an agent of peace and an advocate for the needs of the public.

1. Robert W. Prichard, A History of the Episcopal Church (New York: Morehouse Publishing, 1999), 249.