This exhibit was created by a USU student. (learn more...)

So, they tell you, “okay. If your case is strong, we’re going to agree to give you a chance to live like a human being. Take you to America.” –Aydrus


The process of resettlement is long, confusing, and complicated, with eight years being the average time it takes to be resettled from an African refugee camp to the United States, according to one study.[42] When discussing resettlement in the United States, many of our contributors emphasized the role of luck.

You will learn a little about the requirements and processes of resettlement on this page. You will also learn about the United Nations High Commissoner for Refugees, the global organization responsible for resettling refugees below. Both of these come from the UNHCR website, which you can visit for more information. 

Not all refugees in need of resettlement get resettled. Check the chart and see what is required for a refugee to be considered for resettlement.

Resettlment Facts.JPG

As you can see above, the refugees who are considered to be at risk or in danger are the refugees who are considered for resettlement. This means that refugees sometimes have to embrace an identity that may be degrading or difficult for them, such as victimhood.[43] Have you ever had to take on an identity that you did not want to in order to get through a situation or challenge you faced? 

Examine the chart below. What processes do refugees have to go through to be resettled in the United States? 

The NGOs listed below that help refugees with resettlement in the United States are also known as Voluntary Organizations, or VOLAGS.

Resettlment Facts US.JPG