This exhibit was created by a USU student. (learn more...)
Yusuf Abdi.jpg

Utah is a place where we found a lot of welcoming. We share a lot of things also. A lot of common we have, especially the Mormons. We have a lot of common. Like, they don’t drink alcohol. We worry about that, we don’t drink also alcohol. We don’t gamble. It’s not allowed for our religion, we don’t do that. So, when I’m in California. It would be very hard for my son or my daughter, to convince them, don’t drink. But once they come here, and they see there’s no alcohol in the stores, nothing, they only sell limited place. So, they also think, they say, “Oh, know what? We have to keep our religion.” –Yussuf

Abdirizak Ibrahim.jpg

When I came to Utah on that year, someone helping me. Show me how to settle in Salt Lake City. And then that’s why, I started this organization, Somali Community Self-Management Agency, to helping the community. Because I remember when someone helping me always out, to make sure I have to pay back to the other people, when they came to the state. And that’s why we started this organization to helping the community. For everyone in it. –Abdirizak

Aden Batar.jpg

We lived twenty-five years here in Utah. Almost half of our life. And I don’t think I have any other plans to live elsewhere. This is home for us. This is the place for us. This is where our kids were born and grew up and went to school. We have all our families here and I have a lot of friends. I don’t like the weather. The snow. But, you know I have to adjust it. I lived this many years, and I think this is home for us. I don’t have any plans to live elsewhere. –Aden

Ali Bahaji.jpg

My kids now, is USA citizen, everybody’s born in Salt Lake City. I born back home, and my kids from Utah. It’s two different change. Yeah. My kids, if I say, in back home, he doesn’t believe. He say, “I’m from USA.” And I'm glad. -Ali